Wednesday, December 10, 2008

the lips

it's so in right now. ahaha.jk (ofcourse it is!) love it!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


hah..i ate my brothers onde-onde..
its a yummy round cake with sesame seed.. yumyum. i only eat the skin though. there is this kacang ijo inside it. i don't like kacang ijo. oh well, what the hell am i talking about..
so, i'm going to denmark in a few days. i have 4 pages of the lists of what i need to bring from bali to denmark and from denmark to bali..

i watched ava yesterday. the band was good, but there were so many people pushing and it was so hot. at least i got some pictures.

let's study!

the female reproductive system: chapter 16

ovaries= produce eggs

come on, you can study on your own. do you really think you can relly on me teaching? yes, if you wanna be ungraded.. oh well

chapter 1 to 24.. i'm sad

i don't know

i just read a blog by a friend of mine.... ahahahahah
it was entertaining, like ENTERTAINING.. it was funny.
she talks about these random stuff, and as ica said, she is creative.
she even talks about unimportant stuff.. but i like it anyway..
so, yea, get well soon feet.


my name is indira, incase you don't know..
i've never had a diary before, i don't really like it.
i just wanna try..

well, what about you? tell me about yourself...
great! nice to know you.
see you somewhere, bye